Lexical binding in state methods

November 13, 2012
methods lexical binding

When a state method is inherited from a protostate, the inheriting State context from which the method is invoked — as referenced by this — offers no idiomatic expression of the precise State in which the method is defined. To gain this level of lexical awareness, decorators and method transformation are used to bind a state method to its complete state–lexical environment.

This article is obsolete as of version 0.1.0. The solutions presented here have been obviated by functions state.bind and state.fix, which are discussed further in the topics about method context and lexical bindings, respectively.

Serving two masters

One type of content a State can hold is methods. Methods of a State serve as delegation targets for the methods of the owner object to which the State belongs.

Normal methods have this to reference the object they serve, and likewise state methods also require a reference to a context. As States themselves exist to serve an owner, it may stand to reason that state methods should be applied in the context of that owner.

However, a wrinkle is added by the arrangement of States into hierarchies and across prototypes. These relationships allow a state method to be inherited from any of several related States, and this requires that a method be able to serve, at once:

  • its containing State
  • the owner object that issued the delegation to invoke the method
  • if the method is prototypally inherited, the epistate (a State within the owner’s state tree) that inherits from the protostate (the related State in the state tree of the owner’s prototype) which contains the method.

State methods must therefore have the capacity to reference multiple contexts — something that cannot be facilitated directly by this alone.

The naïve approach

Least-surprise may at first glance suggest that, since state methods are meant to act as stand-ins for methods of the owner, they ought to be applied accordingly, in the context of the owner.

Doing so maintains referential equivalence of this, irresepective of whether a method was defined on the owner object as usual, or as a member of one of the owner’s states. The method’s containing State might then be extracted by calling this.state() — after all, for a method to become a delegation target in the first place, we may expect the owner to be occupying that method’s State as its current state.

var o = {
  foo: "FOO", bar: "BAR",
  m: function () { return this.foo; }
state( o, {
  A: {
    m: function () {
      return this.state().superstate().call('m') + this.bar;

o.m();              // >>> "FOO"
o.state('-> A');  
o.m();              // >>> "FOOBAR"
o =
  foo: "FOO", bar: "BAR"
  m: -> @foo
state o,
    m: -> @state().superstate().call('m') + @bar

o.m()             # >>> "FOO"
o.state '-> A'
o.m()             # >>> "FOOBAR"

But this approach falls apart once the method is inherited by a substate. In that case, the expression this.state() would no longer reference the state in which the method was defined, and in fact would soon lead to trouble:

state( o, {
  A: {
    m: function () {
      return this.state().superstate().call('m') + this.bar;
    AA: state

o.state('-> AA');
// >>> RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
state o,
    m: -> @state().superstate().call('m') + @bar
    AA: state

o.state '-> AA'
# >>> RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Binding context to the owner therefore leaves a state method with no idiomatic way to reliably identify the State to which it belongs. The expression this.state(), along with the subsequent .superstate() call, are effectively dynamic references, which may change with each transition, and so the state method body simply cannot ascertain the semantic value of either one.

Lexical state context

What a state method requires is a lexical binding to the State in which it is defined — a reference that never changes, regardless of which descendant state may be inheriting the method.

Instead of having the framework apply state methods in the context of the owner, then, we have it bind the context to the State that contains the method. The direct reference to the owner object is lost, but the owner is still easily retrieved with a call to this.owner(), which of course returns the same owner no matter which of the owner’s States this references.

var o = {
  foo: "FOO", bar: "BAR",
  m: function () { return this.foo; }
state( o, {
  A: {
    m: function () {
      return this.superstate().call('m') + this.owner().bar;
    AA: state

o.m();              // >>> "FOO"
o.state('-> A');  
o.m();              // >>> "FOOBAR"
o.state('-> AA');  
o.m();              // >>> "FOOBAR"
o =
  foo: "FOO", bar: "BAR"
  m: -> @foo
state o,
    m: -> @superstate().call('m') + @owner().bar
    AA: state

o.m()             # >>> "FOO"
o.state '-> A'
o.m()             # >>> "FOOBAR"
o.state '-> AA'
o.m()             # >>> "FOOBAR"

This is the approach employed by State.js. Referential equivalence, and some convenience — this versus the clunkier this.owner() — is traded away in exchange for insight into another dimension of context. A concession, certainly, but on balance a good bargain: in every case, the idioms this, this.owner(), and this.superstate() always mean what we expect them to.

The next dimension

The lexical binding approach, if a bit suboptimal syntactically, works well so far as it goes — state methods can access their containing State, or a superstate, or any other node on their owner’s state tree.

However, we must still expand the context space one dimension further, along the axis of the protostate–epistate relation that follows the prototype chain of the owner object.

A three(²)-body problem

Given the solution devised thus far, consider a set of prototypally related stateful objects, keeping an eye out for the impending danger posed by protostate().

var q = {
  foo: "FOO", bar: "BAR",
  m: function () { return this.foo; }
state( q, {
  A: {
    m: function () {
      return this.superstate().call('m') + this.owner().bar;
    AA: state

var p = Object.create( q, {
  baz: { value: "BAZ" }
state( p, {
  A: {
    m: function () {
      return this.protostate().call('m') + this.owner().baz;

var o = Object.create( p );
class Superclass
  foo: "FOO", bar: "BAR"
  m: -> @foo
  state @::
      m: -> @superstate().call('m') + @owner().bar
      AA: state

class Class extends Superclass
  baz: "BAZ"
  state @::
      m: -> @protostate().call('m') + @owner().baz

q = Superclass::
p = Class::
o = new Class

Here we have a three-long chain of objects: instance o inherits from its prototype p, which in turn inherits from q — in which is defined a three-long chain of States: the root state, A, and AA. Along the way, method m of p.state('A') makes a call up to its overridden counterpart at q.state('A'), its protostate.

The peril here is less conspicuous, but not unlike that encountered previously. When this.protostate() is called from m of p.state('A'), it returns q.state('A'), as expected. But when o.state('A') inherits and invokes that very same method m, the prevailing context is now one prototype level deeper, and the expression this.protostate() returns state A of p, rather than the expected A of q.

The result of this pattern will be the user unexpectedly seeing m called multiple times — once from within the state tree of o, and again from the tree of p — as this climbs the protostate chain, with m repeatedly and unwittingly calling itself until its this finally matches the precise State in which m is defined.

o.m();              // >>> "FOO"

o.state('-> A');
o.m();              // >>> "FOOBARBAZFOOBARBAZ"
o.m()             # >>> "FOO"

o.state '-> A'    
o.m()             # >>> "FOOBARBAZFOOBARBAZ"

this — super-lexical, proto-dynamic

The lingering problem is again a question of lexical versus dynamic bindings. While a state method’s context is lexically bound along the superstate axis, because methods may also be inherited from protostates, its context is, and must be, dynamically bound along the protostate axis.

This relationship can be expressed as an invariant: given object o with prototypes p, q, etc., whenever a state method is called on behalf of o, it must assert that this.owner() === o. That is, its this will always reference a State in the state tree of o — regardless of whether the method is defined in a State of o, or is inherited from a State of p, q, or any other prototype of o.

The consequence of this invariance is that a state method has no way to determine from its this context alone which of the calling owner’s prototypes the method belongs to. It also follows, then, that it is impossible to have precise lexical knowledge about the value of the expression this.protostate().

An acceptable solution, therefore, will have to involve a combination of relevant lexical and dynamic bindings.

The interior decorator

As we’ve demonstrated, state methods may depend on more lexical information than a bound this by itself can provide. To deal with this confined space, a number of alternatives might be easily proposed, but just as easily dismissed:

  • A special context object could hold property references to the necessary dynamic and lexical references; however, a new object would have to be created for each invocation, which has the potential to become prohibitively expensive.

  • Lexically binding this to the precise State in which the method is defined would give precise meaning to this.protostate(); but this would violate the invariance of this.owner() referring to the calling object.

  • The arguments array must not be invaded; far too much confusion would arise from introducing inconsistencies across method signatures and calling patterns.

  • Neither can protostates simply be sworn off and their use discouraged, as they are in many cases every bit as useful a relation as superstates.

None of these address the issue of adequately equipping state methods with the lexical support they require. What’s needed is a way to automatically generate a new function, using the provided function as a base, that closes over the method’s static environment.

Lexical state methods

Version 0.0.7 of State.js adds a module-level function called state.method. This can be used as a decorator to transform a provided function argument into a lexical state method, which will be closed over the States that define the method’s environment:

  • autostate — the precise State in which the method is defined
  • protostate — the protostate of autostate

In addition, the function provided to state.method is rewritten: its body is injected with dynamic bindings based on the State context in which the method is invoked:

  • superstate — a reference to this.superstate()
  • owner — a reference to this.owner()

A rewritten function necessarily abandons the scope chain of its original, so, if parts of the function’s lexical environment must be preserved, authors may first provide state.method with a bindings object argument that specifies any variable bindings to be included within the new flattened scope of the generated method.

The factory factory

state.method( bindings, fn ) : function

  • [bindings] : object
  • [fn] : function

A call to state.method returns a factory, a higher-order function which will produce the desired lexical state method, which in turn will be the decorated transformation of fn, appropriated to the State in which the method is defined. The generated method is closed over any provided bindings, along with the built-in bindings to autostate, protostate, superstate, and owner.

If no fn is provided, then a function partially applied with bindings is returned, which will later accept a fn and return the lexical state method factory as described above.

The factory that state.method produces may be passed around at will, but it can only be called internally by State.js to produce a lexical state method. This occurs either during the construction of a State instance when the lexical environment is first created, or as methods are added to an existing mutable State.

state.method in action

The state.method function is generally used within the expression object of a call to state() to explicitly define a state method whenever the aforementioned set of state–lexical bindings are expected within the method body.

var exported = ( function () {
  var closed = {};

  function Class() {}
  state( Class.prototype, 'abstract', {
    A: state( 'default', {
      normal: function () { return { closed: closed }; },
      bound: state.method({ c: closed }, function () {
        return {
          c: c,
          autostate: autostate,
          protostate: protostate

  var o = new Class;
  state( o, {
    A: {
      normal: function ( param ) {
        return { param: param, closed: closed };

      alsoBound: state.method({ closed: closed })
        ( function ( param ) {
          return {
            param: param,
            closed: closed,
            autostate: autostate,
            protostate: protostate

  return { closed: closed, Class: Class, o: o };
}() );

var closed = exported.closed;
var Class = exported.Class;
var o = exported.o;

var stuff;

stuff = o.bound();
stuff.closed === closed;                          // >>> true
stuff.autostate === Class.prototype.state('A');   // >>> true
stuff.protostate === null;                        // >>> true

stuff = o.alsoBound("argument");
stuff.param === "argument";                       // >>> true
stuff.closed === closed;                          // >>> true
stuff.autostate === o.state('A');                 // >>> true
stuff.protostate === Class.prototype.state('A');  // >>> true
{ closed, Class, o } = do ( closed = {} ) ->

  class Class
    state @::, 'abstract'
      A: state 'default'
        normal: -> { closed }

        bound: state.method
          c: closed
            { c, autostate, protostate }

  o = new Class
  state o,
      normal: ( param ) ->
        { param, closed }
      alsoBound: state.method({ closed }) \
        ( param ) ->
          { param, closed, autostate, protostate }

  { closed, Class, o }

stuff = o.bound()
stuff.closed is closed                # >>> true
stuff.autostate is Class::state 'A'   # >>> true
stuff.protostate is null              # >>> true

stuff = o.alsoBound "argument"
stuff.param is "argument"             # >>> true
stuff.closed is closed                # >>> true
stuff.autostate is o.state 'A'        # >>> true
stuff.protostate is Class::state 'A'  # >>> true

Revisiting the “three(²)-body problem”

With state.method now in hand, we can rewrite the stateful prototypes example:

var q = {
  foo: "FOO", bar: "BAR",
  m: function () { return this.foo; }
state( q, {
  A: {
    m: state.method( function () {
      return superstate.call('m') + owner.bar;
    AA: state

var p = Object.create( q, {
  baz: { value: "BAZ" }
state( p, {
  A: {
    m: state.method( function () {
      return protostate.call('m') + owner.baz;

var o = Object.create( p );
class Superclass
  foo: "FOO", bar: "BAR"
  m: -> @foo
  state @::
      m: state.method -> superstate.call('m') + owner.bar
      AA: state

class Class extends Superclass
  baz: "BAZ"
  state @::
      m: state.method -> protostate.call('m') + owner.baz

q = Superclass::
p = Class::
o = new Class

This syntax finally gives us the protostate and results we expect.

o.m();              // >>> "FOO"

o.state('-> A');
o.m();              // >>> "FOOBARBAZ"
o.m()             # >>> "FOO"

o.state '-> A'    
o.m()             # >>> "FOOBARBAZ"

Under the hood

Internally, the function provided to state.method is decorated by wrapping it inside an outer function that takes the keys of the binding object as parameters. This wrapper function is then called with the corresponding binding values as arguments, which will return the enclosed function with those free variables bound, just as they were in the original function, except in a new flattened scope just one level deep.

Similarly, the desired lexical State references of autostate and protostate are embedded into the method’s closure, and variables for dynamic references of superstate for this.superstate() and owner for this.owner() are embedded at the top of the method body itself.

View source: state.method


A note for the composers

The extra layer of complexity that arises from a two-dimensional inheritance space might suggest to some the virtues of adhering to patterns of composition over inheritance.

Exercising composition with State.js is straightforward: any State can express itself, cleanly exporting a transferable copy of its state tree as a StateExpression, or as an equivalent plain object. Either of these can then be “mixed-in” to another object with the state() function as usual.

Given a target object to be made stateful, and an already stateful source:

state( target, source.state('').express() );
state target, source.state('').express()

An existing mutable state of an already stateful target object can similarly be affected by calling its mutate method:

target.state('').mutate( source.state('').express() );
target.state('').mutate source.state('').express()

Calling express from the root state outputs a plain-object deep clone of the entire tree, and this can be fed right into the expression argument of a call to state() or mutate(). Importantly, any lexical state methods that are brought over will be automatically recreated with the appropriate bindings for their new environment.

The dynamic prototypal relationship and the memory savings that follow are lost with the mix-in approach, but, depending on your point view, so too may be some of the complexity and rigidity that a deeper inheritance model might otherwise have entailed.