global = this

This function will be applied to the package’s exported state function.

module.exports = ( state = this ) ->
  @VERSION = '0.1.2'

  @options =
    memoizeProtostates: yes
    useDispatchTables: no


State uses Omicron to assist with object manipulation tasks, such as differential operations.

  @O = {

env is a set of variables that describe the platform environment.


The NIL identity is a sentinel used by diff/patch operations to indicate the deletion or nonexistence of a property.


  } = require 'omicron'
  @noConflict = do ->
    original = global.state
    -> global.state = original; this


Creates a bit field map on a given object by associating each string in a list of names as a key to a single-bit integer value. Bit values are applied to keys in order, increasing from 1 << offset onward.

  @bitfield = ( object = {}, names, offset = 0 ) ->
    names = names.split /\s+/ if typeof names is 'string'
    object[ key ] = 1 << index + offset for key, index in names
  @debug = => console.log.apply console, arguments if @env.debug


  • fn : function

Used inside a state expression, a function fn wrapped with state.bind will bind the context of fn either to any State created from that expression, or when invoked for an object that inherits from the owner of the bound State, to the corresponding epistate of that State.

Thusly bound methods, event listeners, etc., whose context would have normally been the owner, still retain a reference thereto via this.owner.

  @bind = do ->
    bind = ( fn ) -> new StateBoundFunction fn
    bind.class = class StateBoundFunction
      type: 'state-bound-function'
      constructor: ( @fn ) ->


  • fn : ( autostate, protostate ) → function

Used inside a state expression, a function fn wrapped with state.fix will be partially applied with a reference to autostate, the precise State to which fn’s returned function will belong, and a reference to protostate, the immediate protostate of autostate.

A method, event listener, etc. that is fixed thusly has access to, and full lexical awareness of, the particular State environment in which it exists.

  @fix = do ->
    fix = ( fn ) -> new StateFixedFunction fn
    fix.class = class StateFixedFunction
      type: 'state-fixed-function'
      constructor: ( @fn ) ->


Causes owner to realize and take ownership of the protostate or virtual epistate returned by selector. Returns the incipient or extant “own” state, augmented with any StateExpression content supplied by the optional expr.

  @own = do ->
    rxAccessor = /([$_A-Za-z][$\w]*)::(.*)/

    ( owner, selector, expr ) ->
      if rxAccessor.test selector
      then [ match, accessorName, selector ] = rxAccessor.exec selector
      else accessorName = 'state'

      return null unless instated = owner[ accessorName ] selector
      if instated.owner is owner
      then instated[ instated.isVirtual() and 'realize' or 'mutate' ] expr
      else instated.virtualize( owner[ accessorName ] '' ).realize expr
  @extend = ( parastates, attributes, expression ) ->
    if typeof attributes isnt 'string'
      expression = attributes
      attributes = ''
    expression ?= {}
    expression.parastates = parastates
    state attributes, expression
  @rxTransitionArrow = /^\s*([\-=]>)\s*(.*)/
  @transitionArrowMethods =
    '->': 'change'
    '=>': 'changeTo'

Name sets

The state attribute modifiers are the subset of attribute names that are valid or reserved keywords for the attributes argument in a call to the exported state() function.

    mutable finite static immutable
    initial conclusive final
    abstract concrete default
    history retained shallow versioned

    'parastates data methods events guards substates transitions'

    extend:  'parastates'
    extends: 'parastates'
    states:  'substates'

    'construct depart exit enter arrive destroy mutate noSuchMethod'

    'admit release'

    'origin source target action conjugate'

    'methods events guards'

    'construct destroy enter exit start end abort'

Bit field enums

State attributes

State instances use a bit field to store their attributes, the encoded values of which are included in the constants enumerated here.

  @STATE_ATTRIBUTES = @bitfield { NORMAL: 0 }, """
  """ + ' ' + @STATE_ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIERS.toUpperCase()

Traversal flags

Tree-traversal operations use these flags to restrict their recursive scope.

  @TRAVERSAL_FLAGS = @bitfield { VIA_NONE: 0, VIA_ALL: ~0 }, """
